The High School
High School Courses
Writing & Speech
History & Geography
Division Overview
Our High School students are challenged to analyze complex literary works, through the study of authors such as George Eliot, Charles Dickens, and Dostoevsky. They progress to the A.P. level in Mathematics, Science, and Foreign Language, and excel in their knowledge of the Faith.
In our Middle School and High School the foundations of Western Civilization and American heritage are stressed. A deepening appreciation for the spiritual and moral teachings of the Church also evolves throughout the higher grades, including precise teaching of the Moral Theology of the Church as presented in the Catechism, and the Social Justice principles of the Church from the encyclicals of the popes. Students are also exposed to a wealth of reading in classic literature.
Our Trinity Academy High School curriculum embraces the cross-training of the mind brought forth through the balanced study of Literature, Mathematics, History, Science, Religion, Classics, and Languages. Students are asked to Read, Write, and Converse in all areas of study, and are taught to think independently.
Our Program of Studies (TAHS Program of Studies) is specifically designed to give each student the proper number of credits for entrance into college, while offering the most advanced students a deepening in subject matter through our Advanced Placement opportunities. Students also memorize literature for recitation at all levels of the High School, and enjoy presenting these recitations as Assemblies and Presentation Days.
Our graduates leave Trinity Academy as critical thinkers, competent writers, and strong speakers. They have a self-confidence which is outward looking, and they are ready for higher academics at the college level and beyond.